Hello Beautiful Souls!


I empower women to connect with their inner strength and wisdom, find lasting love, nurture genuine relationships, and design the life they’ve always dreamed of. Women often juggle multiple roles, striving for perfection in each, frequently putting themselves last, leading to physical and emotional burnout. If you’re ready for a change, I can guide you through a profound transformation that will revitalize your relationships and ignite a spark of personal growth and transformation.  No more waiting!

My unique blend of expertise includes:

  • Spiritual Coach: Shifting your mindset to unlock your potential.
  • Energy Healer: Clearing energetic blockages and restoring balance.
  • Channeler: Connecting with higher guidance for unique insights and direction.

I use Sacred Geometry, Theta DNA Healing, Shamanic healing, Reiki, and color healing to clear your energetic field and empower you to overcome challenges. My Master gift is DNA Healer and Activator, and all women who worked with me activated some of their spiritual gifts. See below and above some of the many testimonials I received. 

Energy healing and spiritual coach, mentor
Energy healing and spiritual coach, mentor

"I always wanted to find and work with authentic healers. When I met Sonia my heart felt straight away that she was an amazing and experienced healer.What attracted me to her energy was the humbleness of her heart which is so rare to find these days and so much to be grateful for. During the sessions with Sonia I felt within my body that the healing flowed beyond ego ,time and space. It was the highest form of pure light and unconditional love. She was able to remove many beliefs ,patterns and trauma that were deeply buried within my subconscious mind and body and I have been struggling with for many years.The sessions that i had with Sonia were the deepest healings i have ever experienced in the last 2-3 years. This allowed me to clear old energies and completely transform my life by reaching a level of maturity and wholeness that I have always aspired towards. I am deeply grateful to Sonia and her "magic hands" and I will recommend her to everyone that I know and is in need of healing. Thank you so much ,Sonia! With love ,light and gratitude "


United Kingdom

"Sonia Nahum is an amazing energetic healer. The art of energetic healing has transformed my life. I manage two companies and encounter many people throughout the course of my day. Everyone has a different energetic profile and with each personal encounter residual energies remain. Sonia has released many of these lower energies that have been “stuck” with me for some time now. Interestingly enough, the energetic transformation of my inner self is a reflection on my outer world. Since I have been receiving healings, my companies have been performing better. I am attracting more of an abundance in my life because I feel like I am resonating at a higher frequency. Thank you Sonia!."


Manchester, CT, USA

Energy healing and spiritual coach, mentor
Energy healing and spiritual coach, mentor

"Thank you for having crossed path with me, my experience with the healing has been profound. I have released what no longer serves me as each day has been new since the session. After the session when I came home I slept from about 8pm until morning without waking up, I have embraced it as a part of my healing and transformation, preparing for my next level. With all the different energies we're all facing throughout this pandemic, I recommend your services to anyone who would like answers for their growth and alignment. I am also a healer, but after a near-death experience, I felt stuck and needed some help.  The universe has its way of sending you what you need just at the right time. I am grateful for your work, and may GOD continue to BLESS THE WORK OF YOUR HANDS."


Brampton, ON

Sonia is an amazing women! Such a beautiful and gentle soul. She is very intuitive, wise, and works with you on the level where your at weather your new or experienced. She is truly a Gift.

Stephanie McLean

I recently had a healing session with Sonia... it was a fantastic experience. She is highly intuitive, and specific in her healing work.

Veronica Daley

Sonia is amazing! She helped me improve my self-trust, decision-making, how I show up in relationships, and sense of authenticity in making decisions. She helped me identify limiting beliefs and my blind spots, is a very good listener, and guided me to be a better version of myself. I'm very grateful for her support & mentorship!

Sahil Dhingra

Sonia is a true earth angel! 🌟😇❤️🙏🏼 I experienced 3 major events which I call miracles, literally the moment I left her place! I have already booked my next session with her & truly look forward to being in her kind, relaxing & healing company🤗😇🌟


“May what I do flow from me like a river, no forcing and no holding back, the way it is with children” — Rainer Maria Rilke

Energy Healing

Manifesting and abundance

Theta DNA Healing

Mentorship Program


Choose the service you need

Heal, Learn, Grow

Energy Healing

Manifesting and abundance

Theta DNA Healing

Mentorship Program


Choose the service you need

Heal, Learn, Grow

Book Your Session with me to start the healing process.


Book Your Session with me to start the healing process.


Energy Healing

Manifesting and abundance

Theta DNA Healing

Mentorship Program


Choose the service you need

Heal, Learn, Grow

Energy Healing

Manifesting and abundance

Theta DNA Healing

Mentorship Program


Choose the service you need

Heal, Learn, Grow

Book Your Session with me to start the healing process.


Book Your Session with me to start the healing process.